Advantages of Indexed Universal Life Insurance
A Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) is a life insurance strategy that utilizes permanent life insurance, typically Indexed Universal Life (IUL) insurance, that is designed to maximize cash value. This is done by reducing the death benefit to the lowest level while maintaining the tax benefits of life insurance. This will create the maximum amount of tax free income to be used during retirement. It’s never too early to start planning for retirement.
Life insurance is commonly used to provide financial protection in the event of premature death. Your client can protect their spouse, children, their business, or other beneficiaries. However, cash value life insurance can provide more than protection. It is a valuable planning tool as it accumulates tax-deferred providing income options to supplement retirement
Most of your clients want to retire at some point in the future. When they choose to retire and how much money they need at retirement differs from person to person. It is important for them to start planning early to ensure they have the income they need to live the lifestyle they want when they are ready to retire.
Our software will give you a customized proposal that demonstrates the power of an IUL. It will walk your client through their options and clearly show the advantage that life insurance has when you consider the impact of taxes.

IUL Software
Do you have clients who are a candidate for a life insurance retirement plan? We have proprietary IUL software that will help you generate a turn-key presentation explaining this strategy.