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Other Illustrations – Uploading an Excel Spreadsheet

How do I upload an excel spreadsheet?

  • Extract your illustration to an Excel format
  • Open the Excel Upload Template located here: Click Here to Download
  • Fill in cells A2 to J2
    • Policy Name = Name of Product
    • Insured = Client Name
    • Age = Current Age
    • Sex = Male or Female
    • Initial Death benefit option = Increasing or Level
    • Initial Premium = First Year premiums
    • Initial Specified Amount = Initial Death Benefit
    • Outside Loan Interest = Interest Rate on Loans (Represent as decimal ie 6% = 0.06)
    • i. Risk = Rate Class
    • j. Crediting Rate = Gross Rate of Return of product (Represent as decimal ie 6% = 0.06)
  • Return to the P1 sheet
  • Fill out cells b – j
    • If you’ve obtained an excel spreadsheet from a carrier you can typically copy and paste the columns over
    • Age – age each year – increases by 1 per year
    • PremiumOutlay = premium each year
    • Totalincome = Loans per year
    • Total Loan = total loan for that year (totalincom + loaninterest)
    • LoanInterest = Loan interest for the year
    • TotalLoanBalance = Total loan balance
    • NetPolicyValue = Gross cash values (Cash value before loans and surrender charges)
    • i. NetCahsSurrenderValue = Cash Surrender Value
  • Once Finished, click save a copy of this P1 file and name it something unique.
  • You are ready to upload this file to the Branded Life system. When you do select the Other as the Carrier option.
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